

学会関連新着情報 2019/03/09

2019年3月28日開催 第80回日本南アジア学会月例懇話会開催


今回は、グローバル地域研究機構(東京大学)との共催で、イギリスのDurham大学のYulia Egorova先生をお迎えし、インドのユダヤ教徒コミュニティについてご報告いただきます。またディスカッサントとして、ユダヤ教研究の第一人者の市川 裕先生からコメントをいただきます。
We are holding the 80th JASAS Monthly Seminar on 28th March.

【日時/Date & Time】 2019年3月28日(木) 16:00-18:00/28th March, 2019, 16:00-18:00

【会場/Venue】 東京大学駒場キャンパス 18号館4階 コラボレーションルーム3/Collaboration Room 3, 4th Floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo

【報告者/Speaker】 Dr. Yulia Egorva (Durham University)

【題目/Title】Race, religion and the meanings of Jewishness

【要旨/Abstract】The paper will contribute to research that has highlighted the co-dependent nature of the notions of religion and race by exploring how the Bene Israel and the Bene Ephraim Indian Jewish communities became affected by the Mumbai attacks of 2008, which involved an attack on the Chabad Centre. I will discuss how these events and the securitization discourses that emerged in their aftermath created new challenges for these groups’ relationship with their Muslims neighbours, as they brought to India global imageries of ‘Islamic terrorism’ seen as particularly threatening for Jewish groups. At the same time, I will attempt to trouble conventional accounts that reduce Jewish-Muslim relations to problems of security stemming from the conflict in the Middle East and the alleged resulting mutual animosity of the two groups, by highlighting the multiple dimensions of the way in which securitization practices are both embedded in and produce racialist thinking. In doing so, I will also discuss how the attack on the Chabad House and its aftermath cast light on contemporary constructions of Jewishness and problematises conventional understandings of what constitutes anti-Semitism.

【ディスカッサント/Discussant】 市川 裕(東京大学)/Prof. Hiroshi Ichikawa(The University of Tokyo)

【使用言語/Language】 英語/English

なお、前日の3月27日に同じく東京大学・駒場キャンパスで開催されるTINDASワークショップ(Religion, Nation, and State in Modern India) においても、Yulia Egorova先生によるご報告があります。
詳細については、http://www.tindas.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/  をご覧ください。


【問い合わせ/Contact】 澤田彰宏 Akihiro SAWADA:akisawadajp〔at〕gmail.com まで