

学会関連新着情報 2015/07/29


2015年9月26日、27日 於:東京大学駒場Ⅰキャンパス
The 28th Annual Conference
Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JASAS)
26-27 September 2015
The University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus

◆暫定版プログラム/ Program (Tentative)◆


第一日目 9月26日(土)/ Day 1 26th September (Sat)

11:45-12:45 2014/2015年度理事会 1号館113号室

12:00 大会参加受付/ Registration  1号館108号室/ Bldg 1, Room108

13:00-14:35 自由論題・テーマ別セッション Sessions and Panels

日本語自由論題Ⅰ (エイジェンシーⅠ)/ 1号館158

日本語自由論題Ⅱ (文化)/ 1号館162

Panel in English Ⅰ/ Bldg 1, Room 164
Resources and Environmental Issues in Contemporary India
Asada, Haruhisa “Differential Livelihood and Land Use Pattern between Immigrant and Indigenous Communities in Assam”
Kamal Vatta “Sustainability of Groundwater Use in Punjab Agriculture: Issues and Options”
Sato, Takahiro “Livelihood Transformability in Villages with Poor Water Resources in India: Case of Tamil Nadu”
Fujita, Koichi and Suresh Kumar “Growing Manufacturing Industries and Water-related Issues in India: Case of Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu”

日本語テーマ別セッションⅠ/ 1号館166
 押川文子  村山真弓  小原優貴  渡部智之

14:35-14:45 休憩/ Tea Break

14:45-15:55  自由論題・テーマ別セッション Sessions and Panels

日本語自由論題Ⅲ (エイジェンシーⅡ)/ 1号館158

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅰ(South Asia and beyond) / Bldg 1, Room 162
Megha Wadhwa “Redefining Indian Traditions and Creating New Spaces –Migrant Women of Indian origin in Tokyo, Japan”
Tahseen Alam Choudhury “British Asian Cinema: Cultural Ambivalence and Transformation in Celluloid”

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅱ(History 1) / Bldg 1, Room 164
Amelia Bonea “Colonial Knowledge, Indian Surgeons and the Role of Medical Periodicals in the Nineteenth Century”
Kanchan Lawaniya “Assessment &Realization of Revenue in Western Rajasthan during 18th century”
Laxman D. Satya “Comparing the basic characteristics of famines and famine relief in pre-colonial and colonial India”

日本語自由論題Ⅳ (社会1)/ 1号館166
石坂貴美「貧困層の暮らしを守る戦略 バングラデシュのマイクロファイナンス利用実態調査から」

15:55-16:10 休憩・移動/ Break

 16:10-17:40 常務理事会企画 「先達に聞く」 18号館ホール
“Conversation with the Pioneering Scholars” (in Japanese) Hall, Bldg 18
    報告者: 小谷汪之  聞き手: 田辺明生  司会: 小川道大

17:50-18:50 総会/ JASAS General Meeting 18号館ホール/ Hall, Bldg 18

19:00-20:30 懇親会/ Reception  生協食堂/ COOP Restaurant

第二日目 9月27日(日)/ Day 1 27th September (Sun)

9:00-10:10 自由論題・テーマ別セッション Sessions and Panels

日本語自由論題Ⅴ(言語)/ 1号館158

Panel in English Ⅱ/ Bldg 1, Room 162
Diversity at home and abroad
Changing migration trend and lifestyles of Nepalese migrants in Japan
Takemitsu MORITA  Masako TANAKA  Dipesh KHAREL

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅲ (History 2) / Bldg 1, Room 164
Deepita Chakravarty and Ishita Chakravarty “Maid and Mistress: Changing Relationships in post- Partition West Bengal, India”
Surajit Chakravarty “Between temporalities: Informalized governance of Urban Villages in Delhi”
Yaqoob Khan Bangash “‘Making Citizens’: Pakistan and the Citizenship Act, 1955”

日本語テーマ別セッションⅡ/ 1号館166
藤井正人   手嶋英貴  梶原三恵子

10:10-10:25 休憩/ Tea Break

10:25-12:00  自由論題・テーマ別セッション Sessions and Panels

日本語テーマ別セッションⅢ/ 1号館158
今村泰也  萬宮健策  吉岡乾  プラシャント・パルデシ

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅳ (Economy and Society) / Bldg 1, Room 162
Kurosaki, Takashi “Entrepreneurship in Micro and Small Scale Industries: A Case of North East District of Delhi, India”
Anil Kumar “Entrepreneurial Motivation in Small Scale Sector: A Factor Analytical Study”
Arvind Yadav & Milap Punia “Marginalizing Margins, Shrinking Socio-Economic Spaces of Subalterns: Exploring Marginalization in Peri -Urban Delhi”
Kumar Gaurav and Nalin Bharti “India-Japan CEPA: What RCA Reveals for Services Trade?”

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅴ (History 3) / Bldg 1, Room 164
Kiyokazu Okita “Court, Conflict, and Controversy in Early Modern South Asia: The Svakīyā-Parakīyā Debate in Bengali Vaiṣṇavism”
Vivek Pinto “Mohandas K. Gandhi and Quakers: ‘Getting under the weight’”
Sadia Pasha Kamran “From Enlightenment to Modernity: Pakistani Art and the epoch of Decolonization”
Pratyoush Onta “Patronage by Rana Elites of Public Cultural Production in Mid-20th Century Nepal”

日本語テーマ別セッションⅣ/ 1号館166
  杉本大三  杉本星子  井上貴子  杉本良男

12:00-13:10  昼食休憩/ Lunch

和文雑誌編集委員会  1号館 114
英文雑誌編集委員会  1号館 115
英文叢書・刊行助成委員会 1号館 116

13:10-15:10  自由論題・テーマ別セッション Sessions and Panels

日本語自由論題Ⅵ (社会2)/ 1号館158

日本語自由論題Ⅶ (経済・法・政治)/ 1号館162

Panel in English Ⅲ/ Bldg 1, Room 164
Theorizing the New Middle Class in India
Yoko Taguchi “Quest for Integrity: Middle-Class Subjectivity and Psychometric Tests in Mumbai”
Jonathan Anjaria “Estranged Citizens: Disordered Streets and the Middle Class Subject in Mumbai”
Moe Nakazora “Dividual Personhood of New Regional Elites: Engaging in Environment/Place in Uttarkhand”
Eli Park Sorensen “Bourgeoisie and the Form of the Novel: Rohinton Mistry’s Family Matters”
Ulka Anjaria “Hindi Film and the Making of the New Middle Class”

日本語テーマ別セッションⅤ/ 1号館166
神田さやこ  小松久恵  豊山亜希  田中鉄也  中谷純江

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅵ (Politics) / Bldg 1, Room 157
Adeeba Aziz Khan “Democracy, The Non-Political Caretaker Government and the Politicisation of Constitutional Reforms in Bangladesh”
Malvika Maheshwari “Artistic Speech in the Indian Courts: Law and the Production of Violence”
Hassan Javid “Structure, Conjuncture, and Disjuncture: Protests, Elections, and the Persistence of Elite Power in Pakistan”
Ghazal Asif “The Bureaucracy of Marginal Intimacy in Pakistan”
Nasir Uddin “Of cohesion and conflict: Land issues in upland societies in Bangladesh”

15:10-15:20 休憩/ Tea Break

15:20-17:20 自由論題・テーマ別セッション Sessions and Panels

日本語自由論題Ⅷ (歴史)/ 1号館158

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅶ (Ritual, Gender, Culture) / Bldg 1, Room 162
Teiji SAKATA “Gālī/ The abusive and ridiculing Songs sung at Hindu Marriage Ceremony”
Dinu Bajracharya “Nepal Living Goddesses Kumari: Pros and Cons”
Swayam Bagaria “Entrusting Devotion: Sati Worship and Its Economic (Il)legitimacies”
Momoe Makino “Marriage, Dowry, and Women’s Status in Rural Punjab, Pakistan”
Jiwak Raj Bajracharya ““ICT in Education”: Implementable in Nepal?”

Panel in English Ⅳ/ Bldg 1, Room 164
“Caste”-ing experience?
Modalities of caste practice and experiencing in contemporary South Asia
Nishaant Choksi K.N. Sunandan Shivani Kapoor Debarati Bagchi R. Jeremy Saul
(Discussant: Akio Tanabe)

日本語テーマ別セッションⅥ/ 1号館166
福味敦・横尾健  溜和敏  山﨑裕美子  北川将之 (司会・趣旨説明:広瀬崇子)

Session for Individual Papers in English Ⅷ (History 4) / Bldg 1, Room 157
Koushiki Dasgupta “The Muslim Businessmen and Partition: The histories within history”
Ala Uddin “The Transforming Role of Education in a Post-Conflict Region in Southeastern Bangladesh”