日本南アジア学会第33回全国大会案内/JASAS 33rd Annual Conference Information
⇒ 初のオンライン開催となりましたが、お陰さまで、盛会のうちに無事に終了いたしました。皆さまのご参加・ご協力、感謝申し上げます!
○ 第33回全国大会参加登録者専用ページ(The JASAS 33rd Annual Conference – Website for the registered participants)(ログインのためのパスワードは、参加登録者各人のメール宛に配信されている通りです。)
→ http://jasas.info/guidance33_member/
上記リンクページには、会場のzoom URL、IDおよびパスコードが記載されています。
On the site, you will find the zoom URLs, IDs and passwords of the rooms.
By clicking each URL, you can enter each room.
*プログラムと報告要旨集の再修正版を更新・掲載いたしました(10月3日版、20201003 Version)。
・キャンセル Cancellation: Dr. Pramila Neupane’s Presentation [Oct. 04, 11:15-11:40, Room C]
○ プログラム Program(再修正版 Re-revised) → JASAS33Programme
○ 報告要旨集 Proceedings(再修正版 Re-revised) → JASAS33Proceedings
プログラム、報告要旨集公開! 事前参加登録申し込み開始(終了いたしました)
◆ 日本南アジア学会会員のみなさま
◎ 日本南アジア学会第33回全国大会
○ プログラム → JASAS33Programme(更新版あり、上記参照)
○ 報告要旨集 → JASAS33Proceedings(更新版あり、上記参照)
○ 事前参加登録(必須) → 日本南アジア学会第33回全国大会参加登録フォーム【終了いたしました! 多くのご登録申し込み、感謝いたします。】
Dear JASAS members,
The program of the JASAS 33rd Annual Conference has been finalized. Please click the link below and find the program. The proceedings of the presentations are also available.
The pre-registration system for the Conference has been opened. Please click the link below and fill the blanks of the form for your registration. The pre-registration is required and will be closed on 25th September 2020.
The 33rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies
Date: October 3-4, 2020
Venue: ONLINE (Zoom)
Program → JASAS33Programme (Re-revised)
Proceedings → JASAS33Proceedings (Re-revised)
Click to register yourself (Pre-registration REQUIRED)
→ Registration Form for the JASAS 33rd Annual Conference [CLOSED!]
◆ 日本南アジア学会会員のみなさま
会期: 2020年10月3日(土)~4日(日)
会場: 京都大学・吉田南構内
〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町 ⇒ オンライン開催(Zoom使用予定)
報告希望の方は、下記リンク1または2のフォームをダウンロードして記入し、電子メールに添付して〈33.jasas[ at ]gmail.com〉に送付してください(注意: [ at ]を“@”に代えて下さい)。なお、件名は「自由論題報告希望」、「パネル報告希望」、「ポスター報告希望」としてください。2020年4月24日(金)必着です。
⇒ 報告の募集は締め切りました。多数のご応募、ありがとうございました。
→ JASAS33_Form1JP
→ JASAS33_Form2JP
3.英語での報告希望の場合、英語版 call for papers を参考にして応募してください。
住所:〒604-0022 京都府京都市中京区室町通御池上る御池之町309番地
E-mail: jasas-db[ at ]kyoto-info.com ([ at ] を“@”に変更して下さい)
海外からの応募に関してはこの限りではありません。詳しくは、英語版 call for papers をご覧ください。
606-6501 京都市左京区吉田本町 京都大学本部構内 総合研究2号館
アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 藤倉研究室
Email: 33.jasas[ at ]gmail.com
Call for Papers
The 33rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies
Date: October 3-4, 2020
Venue: Kyoto University (Yoshida South Campus)
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, 606-6501 Japan
⇒ ONLINE (Zoom)
The 33rd Annual Conference of JASAS will convene in October 3-4, 2020 at Kyoto University (Yoshida Campus). The executive committee of JASAS welcomes proposals (for both individual papers and panel sessions) from all members of international South Asian Studies community including non-members of JASAS. Registration rates (including the reception on the evening of October 3) for those who participate from abroad are 6,000 yen for standard participants and 3,000 yen for students, which are to be paid in cash at the conference venue. Please note that JASAS does not bear travel expenses of any of the participants of the conference.
Submission Guideline
The extended deadline to submit proposals is April 24, 2020 (Japan Standard Time). [CLOSED]
To submit a proposal, please fill-in Form 1 or Form 2 below and submit it as an email attachment to the 33nd JASAS Annual Conference Office via <33.jasas[ at ]gmail.com>.
Note: replace “[ at ]” with “@”.
1. Individual paper proposals / poster proposals:
–> JASAS33_Submission Form 1Eng
* The duration of a paper presentation is 25 minutes (including 10 minutes for Q&A).
* Poster presenters are required to attend the poster session.
(1) Name, affiliation and designation of paper presenter
(2) Paper title and abstract (approximately 600 words)
(3) Contact details (e-mail and postal addresses)
(4) Name of co-author(s) if any
(5) Source of funding to attend the conference
2. Panel proposals:
–> JASAS33_Submission Form 2Eng
* The duration of a panel session is 100 minutes.
(1) Name, affiliation and designation of corresponding organizer
*If the corresponding organizer is based in Japan, then the latter is required to be a member of JASAS. Secondly, in such an arrangement, while the non-members of JASAS are welcome to be panelists, the numbers of the non-members who are based in Japan can not exceed more than half of the entire panel. Lastly, If the corresponding organizer is based abroad, all the members selected for the panel need not be members of JASAS. *
(2) List of all members including other organizers and individual paper presenters with names, affiliations and designations.
(3) Panel title and abstract (approximately 600 words)
(4) Titles and abstracts of all individual papers (approximately 200 words each)
(5) Contact details of corresponding organizer (e-mail and postal addresses)
(6) E-mail addresses of all members
(7) Source of funding to attend the conference
The proposal submitter will be notified the receipt of proposal within one week, and the result after screening process by May 14, 2020. JASAS will issue a letter of invitation upon request for those who need to apply for and obtain a visa to enter Japan. JASAS cannot provide any additional assistance in obtaining a visa, other than providing personalized invitation letters.
For further information and inquiries, please contact the 33rd JASAS Annual Conference Office (33.jasas[at]gmail.com).
Note: replace “[ at ]” with “@”.