

南アジア研究関連新着情報 2016/03/22

4/12 開催セミナー The expansion of the Yuezhi (Kushan) from Bactriaのご案内

東文研セミナー‘The expansion of the Yuezhi (Kushan) from Bactria: How to run an empire from scratch?’のご案内

このたび、ベルリン自由大学名誉教授・ミュンヘン大学ガンダーラ仏教写本プロジェクト共同局長で、現在創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所客員研究員として滞在されている、クシャン朝碑文・歴史研究の第一人者、Harry Falk先生をお招きして、クシャン支配の拡大について講演していただくこととなりました。南アジア古代史のみならず内陸アジア古代史の研究にとっても非常に興味深いお話をうかがう機会と思われます。どうか奮ってご参加ください。

講師:Harry Falk, (Professor Emeritus, Freie Universität Berlin)
日時: 2016年4月12日(火)15:00-17:00
要旨:When the Yuezhi, the Kushans of younger times, were dispelled from their pastures east of Dunhuang around 210 BCE they shifted towards the West and came to rest north of the Oxus river in “northern Bactria”. There, some time later, they changed their government from a monarchy to a rule divided among five so-called yabghus. The exact local divisions of these yabghu-ships is disputed. Much later, when Xuanzang travelled to India, these yabghu-ships were still known, but their location is very different compared to what it may have been at the time of the installation of the system. The paper will address the problems connected with the expansion of the Yuezhi-Kushan realm. A people of migrant husbandmen had turned into a ruling class, ruling a number of peoples from northern Bactria down to Banaras for almost 200 years. How did they acquire the skills to boost economy to formerly unknown heights? Who told them how to govern different regions and peoples? Which role played the five yabghu-regions that we know from Xuanzang? And why did this vast and flourishing empire collapse?

お問い合わせ:古井龍介( furui[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp )