学会関連新着情報 2018/05/27
6月2日開催 第76回日本南アジア学会月例懇話会開催
【日時/Date】2018年6月2日(土)16:00-18:00 / 16:00-18:00 Saturday the 2nd June 2018
【会場/Venue】東京大学東洋文化研究所3階 第2会議室
Seminar Room 2, 3rd Floor, the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus.
【報告者/Speaker】Professor Ram Mahalingam, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
【題目/Title】 Decasticizing the Indian Mind: “Dirty work”, Dignity and the Invisibility of Arunthathiyars
【要旨/Abstract】Using Chennai floods as a case study, in my presentation, I will explore how intersections of caste, class, “dirty work” and the politics of cleaning continue to ignore the sufferings of Arunthathiyar (A Dalit caste group in Tamilndadu) in the cleaning the city after the Chennai floods. This paper particularly focuses on the invisibility and erasure of the sufferings of Arunthathiyars from the public memory. Using qualitative interviews and social media analyses, this paper explores the active documentation of Arunthathiyars’ suffering by progressive and Dalit activists. I will argue for the need to incorporate a social marginality perspective for disaster management to prevent dignity injuries and occupational hazards of the most marginalized groups, such as Arunthathiyars.
【発表者紹介/Speaker Bio】 Ram Mahalingam is a Professor Psychology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is a cultural psychologist originally from Tamilnadu, India. Intersectionality, gender and social marginality are the major themes of his research. His previous research explored the relationship between essentialism and power at the intersections of caste, social class, gender, race and ethnicity.. He is currently working on three projects: (a) dignity in workplace with a specific focus on janitors in India, US and South Korea; (b) Mindfulness, Dignity and Social justice; (c) Cell phones and the making of the self.