学会関連新着情報 2016/02/27
南アジア学会から助成を受けたHaruka Yanagisawa ed. Community, Commons and Natural Resource Management in Asiaが刊行されました
Haruka Yanagisawa ed. Community, Commons and Natural Resource Management in Asia, Singapore: NUS Press, 2015, 264 pp.
Paperback • US$36(参考価格¥4,680 +税、送料別途)
ISBN: 978-9971-69-853-9
Managing the commons—natural resources held in common by particular communities—is a complex challenge in a time of increasing marketization and quickly growing demand for resources. What are the different models of this sort of resource management followed by Asian societies? How have they changed over time, with state formation, modernization, development and globalization?
Edited by Haruka Yanagisawa, Contributions by Minoti Chakravarty-Kaul, Wooyoun Lee, Atsushi Kitahara, Mari Miyamoto, Shinichi Shigetomi and Yutaka Suga, Introduction by Haruka Yanagisawa.
なお、本助成制度に関しては、「英文学術出版物刊行助成」申請について をご覧ください。